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Artist Statement

Why do we collect things? Is collecting really an innocent act or not? Is it because of our obsessions, our passion, our love or our fears? Are we afraid of forgetting the past or are we afraid of the idea that we do not exist at that moment, in that place? Are we trying to prove that we were with “that” person? Who is it that we are trying to prove things? Is it ourselves or the other people? Since everything changes so fast in the world, are we afraid that we won’t be able to catch those precious moments in life because the time passes so fast? Are we afraid to lose ourselves within the chaos that evolves around us? Is it growing up in a surrounding that doesn't really care about its history ,a society that struggles to protect its values that makes us want to write our own history by ourselves? Is it crazy to attribute some kind of meaning into objects and collect them? Where exactly do we draw the line between collecting and hoarding? What exactly is the difference between object and belongings? What is the meaning of the object even ? Well, I have so many questions and as an artist I'm trying to find explanations for these questions and more...

They are things. They are my things. They once had a particular use, that is true but now they only exist in my drawers, or in a box under my bed with the meanings I attributed to them. I would love to experience some of them over and over again, and some of them I would not since they felt so bad that I would never want to feel the same way again. It is impossible to experience the past all over again in the same way and it is the inevitable truth that it can never be completely forgotten. However our pain, our loss or our failures are worth remembering as much as our happiness and achievements. The past is as important as now. Collecting, creating a strong bond with some objects and living with them does not necessarily mean living in the past or being stuck in the past. Moreover, it makes it easier and bearable to live with the burden of goods and bads of our past.

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